Terra find love or die trying
Terra find love or die trying

terra find love or die trying

I have yet to visit the site and read up on the gameplay mechanics, character development, loot and whatever yet. Glad to see you addressed that the way you did. Some folks might enjoy that but others would not at all and you'd lose them. I think the option to live somewhere where it is not necessary to be online on a frequent or any sort of set schedule to protect one's assets in the world was a wise choice.

terra find love or die trying terra find love or die trying

That kind of setup would be a deal breaker for me personally even with a game I otherwise liked. What about those who want no part of any pvp experience at all or maybe do sometimes but do not want to be fighting over resources when out gathering? I never cared much for contested resource gathering to begin with, never mind with a pvp element on top of that. If someone prefers to spend most of their time in a pve area, is it still possible to venture out to where potential pvp exists on some adventure or resource gathering or even just exploring? So it is good both options will co-exist. I like having an option for some pvp or running the risk of encountering it when I'm in the mood but I otherwise prefer being in a pve environment most of the time. That all sounds great and the visuals are looking really good too.

Terra find love or die trying